Apr 30, 2012

Art Party

18 miles and two concerts later, we are waking up in Golden Valley, just outside of Minneapolis. It has been a wonderful few days with concerts in St. Cloud and Rockford, a lot of family visits, and some amazing new friends.

Last night we were privileged to stay with some friends we had met in New York, Jared and Noni, fellow artists dedicated to their faith. They moved almost as soon as we had met them, and so we were thrilled to reconnect here at their beautiful home.

Not only did they feed us and give us one of the most comfortable beds I have ever slept in, they also invited at least a half a dozen (probably more) couples in the arts here in Minneapolis. We chatted, we played for each other, there was impromptu dancing and singing. It was wonderful to share with all these husband and wife teams, to hear how everyone is making it work with families and careers in the arts, and to see the support they all give each other.

If we were ever to leave New York--Minneapolis might be at the top of the list :)