May 3, 2012

Closer to Home

We're are now in Chi-Town after shows in Waupaca, Muskego, and Oshkosh. We've had a great time performing shows, seeing friends and family, and meeting many new people. One of the highlights of our trip was meeting Billy on our day off. Billy is an amazing country singer and guitar player, now 70 years old and in poor health. Our Uncle John invited us over to meet him, sing him a few songs, and listen to him play a few. He was quite the charmer, and it was a delight to listen to some of his stories, but even more wonderful to hear him sing. He sang with so much soul in each song, that you truly believed he was experiencing each and every moment. He enjoyed our music too, his favorite part being the vocal harmonies, though Boris the Bassoon tickled him as well. We felt truly blessed to meet him and to hear him play.

Last night we played at The Spot in Chicago, a venue that regularly features Pat McCurdy! I say this with such excitement because I was a huge Pat fan back in high school, and now that I've played at one of his venues, I think it's safe to say that we've made it to the big time. We had a very fun audience, with several Lawrence Alumni that we hadn't seen in years. 

Today we move on to Indianapolis to see our dear friends Angela and John Stelljes, and after playing for them on Sunday, we're headed back to good ol' NYC.