Sep 7, 2012

East Coast Tour!

We are back on tour again! Sorry for not writing at the beginning of our journey, but we've been moving pretty fast. We were able to play for a delightfully relaxing Labor Day Retreat in the Berkshires. Despite getting a flat tire on the way-- it was a great way to relax and share our music before heading out on the open road.

With a brief stop at our apartment in the Bronx, we were on the road! First (er, second) stop Philadelphia! With our favorite banjo player, Cameron DeWhitt, we played an evening of songs all inspired by stories and characters of the Bible, with Cameron's Salvation Songs opening the evening. It was wonderful to meet so many Philadelphites, and it also gave us a chance to stop by Franklin Fountain--home of the biggest sundaes I have ever seen.

Next we were off to Newark, Delaware where we played at St. John's church. We arrived early which gave us a chance to go through some of our newer songs to get them ready for the show. We played songs from our upcoming album, and others that were too new to be on the album!

Today we had the day off and headed down to Rehoboth Beach to relax--and to get thrown into the beach by some killer waves. Tomorrow we head off to Baltimore to get ready for Sunday. More to follow soon!
