Sep 9, 2012

It's time to make a brand new CD!

Wowzers! We are launching an IndieGoGo Campaign for our second album. What's IndieGoGo you ask? It's a fan funding site, like Kickstarter, and it's a way you can be directly involved with the making of our second album...which is entitled Inheritance.

Visit: to hear about the new album and to get further updates on this tour! If you contribute to our campaign, not only will you be helping to make the world a better place with a fabulous album of super original music, but you will get insider information on the album, and you will be able to choose from a lot of "perks" for your donations. Perks include digital and physical copies of Inheritance, along with copies of our old album, lyric sheets, reserved seats at our CD Release Party and MORE!

Check it out and follow along here for all future updates on our East Coast Tour!